"28 May - Republic Day" webinar was held at Azerbaijan University

27 may 2020

Baxış sayı: 3022

The  Foreign Languages Department of the Azerbaijan University held a webinar dedicated to "May 28 - Republic Day". The online event on the Microsoft Teams platform is organized in Azerbaijani, English and German. The webinar began with the national anthem.

At the online event, the head of the department Samira Mammadova congratulated the participants on "May 28 - Republic Day" and stressed that the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, proclaimed on May 28, 1918 in Tbilisi, is engraved in our memory as one of the most glorious pages of our history.

Then the teachers of the department Ogtay Ismayilzade and Arzu Revina, master's degree students in linguistics Aytaj Orujova, Shabnam Agamammadova, Khalida Hovuslu, final year student in translation Turkan Mahmudova's speeches in English and German were heard. It was stated in the presentations that the first meeting of the National Council was held on May 28, 1918 in Tbilisi (Georgia) and the "Act on the Independence of Azerbaijan" was adopted, which legally established the establishment of an independent Azerbaijani state.

At that time, Baku was in the hands of the Bolshevik-Dashnak group, so the APC government temporarily moved to Ganja in June of that year. After the liberation of Baku, he worked in Baku since September 17.

The event focused on the adoption of state attributes, the life and activities of the founders of the Popular Front, the activities and composition of the APC parliament, the territory and population of the Popular Front, the collapse of the national government. and a brief summary of the work done in the field of foreign policy, emphasizing that the new, independent

Republic of Azerbaijan, announced at the end of the last century, is the political successor of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.

Public Relations Department