The Poetry Contest dedicated to the Day of State Flag was held at Azerbaijan University

The Poetry Contest dedicated to the Day of State Flag was held at Azerbaijan University

07 november 2018

Baxış sayı: 4872

The Student Scientific Society of the Faculty of Humanities of Azerbaijan University hosted a poetry competition dedicated to the 9th of November - Day of State Flag. In the competition, students studying in all majors and specialties recited poetries about the flag.

The competition started with the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Ulviyya Rahimova, the head of the Department of Azerbaijani Language and Literature, spoke about the essence of the event. The vice-rector for Scientific Affairs Yusif Gasimov, the dean of the School of Business and Economics Ali Hasanov, the dean of the School of Humanities Safar Mammadov noted that the students' initiatives are supported and appreciated by the leadership. It was noted in the speeches that the Azerbaijani flag, closely connected with the historical way passed by the people of Azerbaijan, was adopted 100 years ago at the meeting of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan on 9 November 1918. A few days later, in 1988,  with the commencement of the People's Movement will be celebrated the 30th anniversary of the rebound of our flag.

The winners of the competition were determined by a jury consisting of Ali Hasanov, Safar Mammadov, Ulviyya Rahimova, Yusif Novruzov və Huseyn Huseynli.

Gunel Isakhanova (Social work, 4th year student) won I place, Aytakin Karimova (Philology, 1st year student) second place, and Jahid Mustafayev (History, 3rd year student) III place.

The winners of the competition were awarded with honorary diplomas.

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