Azerbaijan University held a webinar on the topic "Pandemic and us"
The Department of Azerbaijani Language and Literature at Azerbaijan University organized the next pandemic webinar. The webinar "Pandemic and us" was conducted by the head of the department Ulviya Rahimova.
At the webinar organized by the Microsoft Teams platform, Ulviya Rahimova spoke about the pandemic's reflection in literary and artistic thought, the pandemic's academic and aesthetic setting in Boccaccio's work, Kamun's "Plague," the pandemic and modern view. The head of the department said that while Boccaccio's Decameron described the plague in Florence and the voluntary quarantine of people, Camus told the tragedy in Oran, Algeria, where there was never a plague. It indicates the excellent foresight potential of literature.
Professor of the department Asif Hajiyev spoke on "Pandemic in poetry and lyrics." Asif Hajiyev noted that poetry and art journalism are more mobile and will undoubtedly be the first literary-artistic reaction to the coronavirus pandemic.
In his speech, the professor said that there are positive experiences in the days of isolation. The pandemic has brought students and teachers to the same level of technology. It expected steps to address the country's long-discussed normative framework, resources, and distance education methodology.
Asif Hajiyev also gave his recommendations to the students who joined the webinar to effectively spend their quarantine days.
Teachers of the department Khayala Aliyeva and Ulker Ibrahimova spoke about various aspects of the pandemic's impact on literature. Lala Alguliyeva, associate professor of the department, said that quarantine days are an opportunity for a person to face himself and spiritually renewed.
The webinar continued with exciting discussions on the topic.
It should also note that in classes at the University of Azerbaijan, events also hold online. The next webinar will be organized today by the Department of Finance and Economics on "Negative effects of the pandemic on the economy and government measures to prevent it." The start time of the webinar is 13.30.
Public Relations Department