A new center has been launched at Azerbaijan University

A new center has been launched at Azerbaijan University

14 january 2019

Baxış sayı: 3787

A number of successful projects are being implemented at Azerbaijan University to benefit of advanced teaching experience and improve education by integrating education into the world education system, particularly in the European educational space. One of these is launching Teaching and Learning Centre which is based on Promoting Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Azerbaijani Universities –PETRA.

The event dedicated to the opening of an electronic laboratory of Training Center and it was attended by university management, deans, heads of departments and heads of structural divisions. `

The participants were informed about the mission, goals, tasks, directions and structure of the center. It was noted that the mission of the center is to contribute to the improvement of the staff and scientific potential of the university by improving the quality of the training process at Azerbaijan University, introducing innovative and new training methods, and providing training and learning based on research. The Center will provide trainings and seminars for teachers and students, adaptation of new teachers to the university life, and organization of seminars and courses on successful methods for organizing and implementing successful scientific research for master’s and doctoral students. At the same time, the provision of international certification courses and examinations such as ECDL, PTE Academic is among the tasks of the center. The center is equipped with rich technical equipments such as a "smart" board, an electronic document reader, a projector, a printer, a monoblock computer and a notebook.

Rector Saadat Aliyeva said that the center will improve the level of teachers' professionalism, their ability to work with modern training methods, the quality and effectiveness of the teaching process.

Advisor to the rector Ali Hasanov, Head of International Relations Bakhtiyar Badalov, Head of Social Work Department Aygun Musayeva, Head of Foreign Languages Department Samira Mammadova focused on to the fact that the center will improve the university's scientific achievements and potential, and spoke about the working principle of the training centers in partner universities in Europe.  

Note that the main objective of the PETRA project is mutual exchange experience with European universities on improving teaching and learning excellence in higher education institutions in Azerbaijan. In the partnership with the Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic eight Azerbaijan Universities - Azerbaijan University, Khazar University, Nakhchivan State University, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Ganja State University, Sumgayit State University, Azerbaijan University of Languages and Baku Slavic University take part in the project. The project coordinator is Valencia Polytechnic University in Spain. The project partners from Europe are Jyvaskyla University from Finland, University of Debrecen from Hungary, University of Applied Sciences from Vienna, Austria and Gazi University from Turkey.

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