Students of Azerbaijan University qualified for the quarterfinals of the 48th ICPC competition

Students of Azerbaijan University qualified  for the quarterfinals of the 48th ICPC competition

01 november 2023

Baxış sayı: 356

The team consisting of students of ICT Faculty of Azerbaijan University Ulvi Ramil oglu Sadigzade (Information Technology, 2nd year student), Yunis Tofig oglu Badalov (Information Security, 2nd year student) and Eyvaz Ashraf Oglu Bayramov (Computer Engineering, 3rd year student) qualified for the quarterfinals of the “48th ICPC - International Collegiate Programming Contest” in Azerbaijan.  

Azerbaijan University was represented by 7 teams in the qualifying round. The team members who qualified for the quarter-finals were awarded a certificate of high achievement, and the other participants were awarded a certificate of encouragement. 

167 teams from 23 higher education institutions took part in the Azerbaijan qualification round of the competition. Each team consisted of three students and a team leader. Teams were tasked with solving 13 algorithmic problems in C, C++, Java or Python programming languages within 5 hours. The assessment was carried out using an automatic assessment system. 

58 teams will participate in the quarter-final stage for Azerbaijan, which will be held on November 5, 2023. The teams that will successfully complete this stage will have the right to participate in the semi-final stage of the “48th ICPC - International Collegiate Programming Contest” to be held in Kutaisi, Republic of Georgia on December 10-14, 2023 and in the South Caucasus Open Championship (team and individual). 

 Public Relations Department