New number of the journal of Azerbaijan University “Ipek Yolu” was dedicated to the genius poet Nasimi

New number of the journal of Azerbaijan University “Ipek Yolu” was dedicated to the genius poet Nasimi

14 june 2019

Baxış sayı: 3121

The second number for 2019 of the journal «Ipek Yolu» of Azerbaijan University published. Related with the declaration of this year as «Nasimi year» by the President Ilham Aliyev this number of the journal was dedicated to the genius poet and thinker Imadeddin Nasimi.

Following articles in the "Nasimi-650" section of the special edition as "Nasimi personality images in the light of poetical and irrational imagination" by the Institute of Oriental Studies named after academician Z.M. Bunyadov, Head of Nasimi group Saadat Shikhiyeva, head of the chair of social sciences of Azerbaijan University, prof. Gabil Aliyev's "Imadeddin Nasimi and the Hurufism Movement", articles by Mohammad Aliev, a teacher of the same department, "New perspectives of Nasimi's creativity" and Tariyel Gani's "General aspects of religious-philosophical, cultural-cultural outlook of Imadeddin Nasimi" were published.

Readers can get introduced with the articles related to the results of researches on Economical and Philological sciences. It's possible to read the new number of the journal «Ipek Yolu» online in the site of Azerbaijan University. Authors can send the articles prepared according to the instructions to the e-mail address . The journal, published four times a year, is included in the list of periodicals recommended for publication of the main results of the Higher Attestation Commission's dissertations in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The journal was also included in the international indexing database E-library - РИНЦ (Russia), Academic Keys (USA), ResearchBib - Academic Resource Index (Japan), Scientific Indexing Services - SIS (USA), Directory of Research Journals Indexing (India), Advanced Science Index - ASI (Germany), Root Indexing - Journal Abstracting and Indexing Service (India), Eurasian Scientific Journal Index - ESJI (Russia), Science Library Index (Australia), JI Factor (USA).

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