Registration for the Master`s program will be carried out in electronic form from July 21 to 31

Registration for the Master\'s program will be carried out in electronic form from July 21 to 31

19 july 2023

Baxış sayı: 566

Bachelors enrolled in the Master's program of Azerbaijan University must register online from 11:00 a.m. on July 21 to 18:00 p.m. on July 31, 2023. To do this, you need to create a personal account on the platform using the “Registration” button, and after entering the created account select the “Registration of students in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions” option among the services provided.

List of documents required for registration on the portal

  • Copy of the diploma and its supplement (for those who completed a bachelor's program in previous years)
  • Certificate of Bachelor's degree (for current year graduates)
  • Copy of ID card
  • Health certificate
  • Military ID or military service registration certificate (for boys)
  • 3x4 color photo

For more information you can contact:

  • Regarding the organization of classes: (+99412) 431 41 12 (126), +99450 268 38 08 (56 and 26 programs), +99450 268 38 00 (other programs).
  • Regarding the organization of classes: (+99412) 431 41 12 (126), +99450 268 38 08 (56 and 26 programs), +99450 268 38 00 (other programs).

Bachelors who are not registered will be excluded from the list of admitted.

Timing of additional placement of vacant plan places will be announced by the State Examination Center.

Public Relations Department