Impressions of our student Azer Rzayev from Germany

Impressions of our student Azer Rzayev from Germany

11 november 2021

Baxış sayı: 1454

Greetings to all

I am a 2nd year magistracy student by speciality in Computer Engineering at Azerbaijan University. I am currently studying in Germany, in the city of Remagen with an exchange program at the “Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, RheinAhrCampus”. This is my second semester in Germany. Starting this semester, I continue my academic internship program at the Sprachen / Internationales department of the university as a teaching assistant.

Despite the fact that due to the pandemic, classes in the summer semester continue online, the university has already returned to the traditional form of study. Due to the fact that I receive education along with students who came here on an exchange program from different countries, the study takes place entirely in an intercultural environment.

The program serves the comprehensive development of students. According to the program, students are offered free lessons in various foreign languages. Starting from the first semester, I take part in German language classes, and from the second semester, I study Spanish. Classes are held in a very interesting and interactive manner.

During our work as part of the academic internship program with international students, we worked within the department on several projects that played a large role in the formation and development of our leadership, project management, and teamwork skills. In particular, working with students from different cultures and backgrounds prepares us for a fully professional international work environment.

There are ample opportunities for the rational use of extracurricular time. During my education, I had the chance to visit several countries and cities within Europe. I have been to France, Luxembourg, Amsterdam, Spain, Belgium.

Being an exchange student is a great chance.

I advise everyone.

Germany Remagen 2021

Public Relations Department