The mentors club organized a training on “Psychological immunity and emotional intelligence”

The mentors club organized a training on “Psychological immunity and emotional intelligence”

19 february 2024

Baxış sayı: 618

Training on "Psychological immunity and emotional intelligence" was held at the initiative of the Mentors Club operating under the International Magistrate and Doctoral Studies Center.

The event was opened by the chairman of the club, a first-year master's student in Work with youth specialty, Haji Soduyev, who talked about the activities of the club he leads. The project manager of the club, the last year student in Finance Huseyn Asgarzade familiarized the participants with the projects to be implemented.

Then psychologist Garib Khidyrov made a presentation on “Psychological immunity and emotional intelligence”. The presentation covered such topics as psychological immunity, mental health and its criteria, psychosomatics, the ABC model, emotional intelligence, and pseudo-propaganda on self-development.

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