A meeting was held with Ahiska Turks at Azerbaijan University

A meeting was held with Ahiska Turks at Azerbaijan University

29 may 2018

Baxış sayı: 4914

A meeting was held with Ahıska Turks at Azerbaijan University. The event, organized by the Department of Azerbaijani Language and Literature, was attended by professors and teachers of the department, students of the Faculty of Humanities and representatives of Ahıska Turks.

Opening the event, the department head, associate professor Ulviya Rahimova conveyed the greetings of the University administration. The department head spoke about the necessity of strengthening and developing spiritual ties, solidarity and cooperation between the Turkic peoples.

Professor Asif Hajiyev informed about the history of Ahıska Turks and their settlement in Azerbaijan. Asif Hajiyev said that Ahıska Turks are the ancient Turkish ethnoses. Despite 74 years after the Soviet government's deportation from Georgia to Central Asia and the Siberian during World War II, they were not able to return to historic lands systematically. Some of them were settled in Azerbaijan in the mid-50's of the last century. Starting from that period, they actively participate in the socio-political and cultural life of the country.

The professor of the department Maharram Gasimli, talked about the struggle of Ahıska Turks to return to their native lands and shared his memories about Ahıska Turks when he was in the scientific expedition in Kazakhstan in the 80s of the last century. Professor said that his articles were published in his book "Our Elderly Place".

Later, the guests of the University, historian and Bayragdar representative Ali Bayragdar, Members of the Writers Union of Azerbaijan - honored cultural worker Jabir Khalidov, poet Hamdi Eyvazov, poet and architect Nuraddin Sasiyev, the activist of "Vatan" Society Muhiddin Khalilov, colleague of "Sugovushan" newspaper, teacher of language and literature college Saida Huseynova, the poetess Tazagul Jovdat and his grandson Nurjan Jovdatova delivered a speech on the historical, ethno-cultural values ​​of the Ahıska Turks, their struggle for exile, return to their lands, literary creativity, literary-cultural relations with other peoples, folklore, traditions and everyday life. , performed their own poems. At the end of the event, Nuraddin Sasseyev presented his book ""Baba ocaghi, ana sıjaghi" " to the Head of Azerbaijani Language and Literature Department.

In speeched it was noted the Akhiska Turks were deported on November 14, 1944 in inhuman conditions from their own dwelling houses - 230 villages in the Akhiska region of Georgia. Only after 1956 they were allowed to move to other regions of the USSR. Some of them have come to Azerbaijan since 1958. The second one was in 1989 after the Fergana events. Compactly live in Saatli region. He fought heroically in the Karabakh war and killed dozens of people in Khojaly.

Currently, they have settled in 600 stations of 11 countries around the world. The majority live in Azerbaijan, Turkey and Kazakhstan. Only a few of them have returned to Georgia. Consistent efforts on the return of Akhiska Turks to the Georgian lands continue.    

The guests conveyed congratulations to the Azerbaijani people on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, and have expressed their respect for Azerbaijani people that they have not seen in any country of the world.

The event ended with taking photos. 

Public Relations Department