A Report Conference Has Been Held on the ECAR Project, to Which Azerbaijan University Is a Partner

A Report Conference Has Been Held on the ECAR Project, to Which Azerbaijan University Is a Partner

22 april 2024

Baxış sayı: 843

A report conference has been held on the Establishment of Rectors Conference in Azerbaijan (ECAR) project, to which Azerbaijan University is a partner. 

At the event, information was provided on the work done so far under the project, and committees reported the outcomes of their activity. The project's foreign partners also presented their reports.

The event was attended by over 100 representatives of 28 local higher education institutions, the Small and Medium Business Development Agency, the State Employment Agency, the National Observatory on Labor Market and Social Protection Issues, furthermore, the Project's foreign partners, including Lithuanian Mykolas Romeris University, Swedish KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Belgian EFMD.

It should be noted that Azerbaijan University was represented at the event by the Head of the International Relations Department, Elmira Ismayilova, and the Department’s employee Sevlan Gurbanova. The Project is coordinated by Baku Business University with financial support from the European Commission. The key goal of the ECAR Project is to establish a national network and collaboration among universities and other stakeholders by arranging a rectors' conference in line with national development strategies.

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