Academic Council

The Supreme governing body of the Azerbaijan University is an Academic Council. The Academic Council is the elected body, its establishment and activity is governed by the "Regulations on the Academic Council of the Higher Education Institution" approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The general management of the Azerbaijan University is organized by the Academic Council, which is organized and headed by the rector.

Academic Council of Higher Education Institution;

  • Adopts the Charter of the Higher Education Institution, makes amendments and additions, approves internal discipline rules for students, teachers, employees, postgraduate, doctoral students and listeners.
  • Approves the development program of the higher education institution.
  • Listens to the report of the rector every year about the activities of the higher school
  • Reviews the preparation of specialists, academic and pedagogical staff, their specialization and retraining, solves all issues related to training and research work.
  • Selects the Secretary of the Council among the members of the Academic Council, creates commissions on education and science, socio-economic and economic activities. Listens to their reports and makes relevant decisions.
  • Elects a secretary of the Council among its members in order to organize the work of the Council, to prepare sessions and to make decisions.
  • Solves issues related to the establishment, annulment, reorganization of faculties, chairs and other structural divisions of higher education institutions.
  • Listens to the reports of the Faculties on teaching, research and education.
  • Presents the professors and associate professor names, as well as honorary titles, medals and medals of the republic.
  • Selects chairs, directors, professors, chief researchers of the department and reviews issues of their dismissal from time to time.
  • In exceptional cases - when there are no Academic Councils in the Faculty and when conflicts arise, chooses the Deans of the Faculty, Associate Professors, Senior Teachers and Assistants, Researchers and consideres their tarly release.
  • The Academic Council works on a study year and a working curriculum for each semester. The work plan of the Academic Council is discussed at the meeting and approved by the rector.
  • The decisions of the Academic Council on all matters of teaching, scientific and educational work shall be made public by the simple majority of votes in the open voting, at the presentation of the selection and recall of professor-teacher staff, chair directors, faculty deans.
  • The presence of at least 2/3 of its members is essential for the decision of the Academic Council. If more than 50% of the total number of participants in the Academic Council voted for the issue discussed, it is deemed to be decided.
  • The decisions of the Academic Council come into force only after the approval by the rector of the higher school.
  • The meetings of the Academic Council shall be recorded, signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Academic Council and kept by the Scientific Secretary.
  • Chairman of the Academic Council organizes the regular verification of the Council's decisions and informs the members of the Council on the implementation of the decisions made.
  • If there are reasonable grounds to believe that the decision of the Academic Council is not objective or contradictory to the law, the decision of the Higher School of Science can be abolished by the central authority of the higher education institution.