International dual degree programs

Dual degree program with Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics of Ukraine 

According to the agreement signed in 2019 between Azerbaijan University and Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics of Ukraine (XNURE), an international dual degree program is applied for bachelor's and master's degrees in Computer Engineering.

Selection of students who wish to participate in the dual degree program is carried out on a competitive basis. The program is open to local and international students. Undergraduate students whose applications are accepted for the program study at Azerbaijan University for the first and second academic years, and at Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics for the third and fourth academic years. Master's students in the first academic year study at Azerbaijan University, in the second - at Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

The duration of the dual degree program is four years for a bachelor's degree and two years for a master's degree. Subjects are taught in English or Russian. To become a graduate, undergraduate students must earn 240 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits and graduate students 120 credits. The evaluation system is carried out following the requirements of the Bologna Process.

Students who have successfully completed their studies are awarded a bachelor's or master's degree in the relevant specialty and are awarded diplomas from higher educational institutions.

For more information
Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies
Phone: (+99412) 431 41 12/13/16 (121)

Dual degree program with the University of Tuscia of Italy

According to the agreement signed in 2023 between Azerbaijan University and the University of Tuscia in Italy, a dual degree program for the MBA program in Marketing will be implemented. Selection of students who wish to participate in the international dual degree program is carried out on a competitive basis. Evaluation and selection of applying students will be based on their academic performance and English language proficiency.  To be admitted to the program, students must have a minimum level of English “B1/B2+”.

In the master's program, open to local and international students, classes will be taught by professors from both higher educational institutions. Subjects will be taught in English and Italian. 

The duration of the dual degree program is 2 years. Master's students whose applications are accepted to the program will study at Azerbaijan University in the first, the second and the fourth semester, and at the University of Tuscia of Italy in the third semester.

The number of students who will participate in the dual degree program is determined in February of the previous year. Students who successfully complete their education will be awarded a master's degree in the relevant specialty and diplomas from higher educational institutions. 

For more information
International Magistrate And Doctorate Center
Phone: (+99412) 431 41 12/13/16 (126)