Passing scores
I qrup
- Information security, Full-time
According to the applicant 200 (-)
According to the subbaccalaureate 92.3 - Information technologies, Full-time
According to the applicant 306.1 (343.1) - Computer engineering, Full-time
According to the applicant 214.4.(338.3)
II qrup
- International trade and logistics, Full-time
According to the applicant 200.0 (-)
According to the subbaccalaureate 67.3 (-) - Business management, Full-time
According to the applicant 210.8 (-) - Business management (English section), Full-time
According to the applicant 235.7 (-) - Economics, Full-time
According to the applicant 200.0
According to the subbaccalaureate 80.9 (-) - Economics (English section), Full-time
According to the applicant 200.0 (-)
According to the subbaccalaureate 51.1 (-) - Finance, Full-time
According to the applicant 200.0 (-)
According to the subbaccalaureate 81.1 (-) - Finance (English section), Full-time
According to the applicant 200.0 (-)
According to the subbaccalaureate 51.0 (-) - Marketing, Full-time
According to the applicant 197.3 (-) - Marketing, By correspondence
According to the applicant 163.2 - Marketinq (English section), Full-time
According to the applicant 219.8 (-) - Management, Full-time
According to the applicant 200.0
According to the subbaccalaureate 77.1 - Accounting, Full-time
According to the applicant 200.0
According to the subbaccalaureate 76.7 - Accounting, By correspondence
According to the applicant 200.0 (-)
According to the subbaccalaureate 83.7 - Accounting (English section), Full-time
According to the applicant 200.0
According to the subbaccalaureate 51.0 - Organization of tourism work, Full-time
According to the applicant 215.2 (217.7) - Organization of tourism work, By correspondence
According to the applicant 150.0 - According to the subbaccalaureate 91.4. (91.4)
III qrup
- Socio-psychological services in education, Full-time
According to the applicant 236.0 (371.6) - International relations, Full-time
According to the applicant 200.0 (-) - State and public relations, Full-time
According to the applicant 279.6 (-) - Philosophy, Full-time
According to the applicant 200.0 (382.9) - Philology (Azerbaijani language and literature), Full-time
According to the applicant 259.7 (-) - Philology (English language and literature), Full-time
According to the applicant 246.9 (-) - Political science, Full-time
According to the applicant 200.0 (-) - Regional studies (by European countries), Full-time
According to the applicant 150.0 (335.5) - History, Full-time
According to the applicant 240.8 - Translation (English), Full-time
According to the applicant 200.0 (443.0) - Museum, archive work and protection of monuments, Full-time
According to the applicant 196.6 (320.4) - Social work, Full-time
According to the applicant 217.9 (372.8) - Social work, By correspondence
According to the applicant 213.6 (-)