Philology in the Context of the Republıcan Ideology

Republican Conference "Philology In The Context Of The Republican Ideology"

dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic

April 06, 2018, Azerbaijan University

The 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic will be celebrated in 2018 that is the first secular democratic state created in the Muslim East.

The victory of the Republic, proclaimed on May 28, 1918, has been a product of a long period. Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh applying the genre system of Western European literature (drama, prose) and especially  a new way of thinking in Azerbaijan, laid the foundation for the ideology of our new national culture and future independence.

Jalil Mammadguluzadeh, Mirza Alekper Sabir, Uzeyir Hajibeyov and Jafar Jabbarli played an important role in the development of the republican ideology of artistic word. Since the mid-19th century, all struggle trends for national identity, including literary and artistic ideas, have been united in the work of Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh.

In this regard, taking into  account the Presidential Decree on the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic on May 16, 2017, Azerbaijan University plans to hold a national conference on "Philology in the context of the Republican ideology" on April 06, 2018.

The purpose of the conference is to expose and evaluate the path and success of our philosophical thoughts in the context of the Republic, which has played an important role in the formation of Azerbaijani statehood and culture, attracting young researchers to solve these issues and their potential to address existing problems.

Organizing Committee


  • Saadat Aliyeva, Rector of Azerbaijan University                                                                        


  • Yusif Gasimov, Azerbaijan University, Vice-rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor   
  • Ulviyya Rahimova, Azerbaijan University, Head of the Azerbaijani Language and Literature Department, Docent
  • Latifa Aghamaliyeva, Azerbaijan University, Head of Science Department, PhD in Mathematics
  • Gorkhmaz Guliyev, Azerbaijan University, Professor
  • Asif Hajiyev, Azerbaijan University, Professor
  • Maharram Gasimli, Azerbaijan University, Professor
  • Kamran Aliyev, Azerbaijan University, Professor
  • Badirkhan Ahmadov, Azerbaijan National Academy of Science (ANAS), Professor
  • Ismet Chetin, Gazi University, Professor, Turkey
  • Necati Demir, Gazi University, Professor, Turkey
  • Esma Shimshek, Firat University, Professor,Turkey
  • Metin Ekiji, Ege University, Turkish World Research Institute, Professor, Turkey
  • Dikhan Kamzabekuli, Vice-Rector of L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Professor, Kazakhstan
  • Rahmatulla Barakayev, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Institute of Language and Literature, Professor
  • Sarıgul Bahadirova, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Institute of Language and Literature, Karakalpak Department, Professor
  • Entela Mucho, Chairman of Albania - Azerbaijan Friendship, Scientific and Cultural Society, General Directorate of Archieves, Head of Turkish Manuscripts Department
  • Ilkin Guliyev, Kars Kafkas University, Docent, Turkey
  • Saim Sakaoghlu, Selcuk University, Docent, Turkey
  • Amina Ibrahimli, Azerbaijan University, Docent
  • Ulkar İbrahimova,  Azerbaijan University, Senior Lecturer
  • Khayala Aliyeva, Azerbaijan University, Senior Lecturer


  • Khatun Gulaliyeva, Azerbaijan University


  • Language. Modern state and theoretical problems of Azerbaijan literary language 
  • Research principles of Azerbaijani language in a historical-comparative aspect
  • Contemporary Azerbaijan literature in the context of world literature
  • Literary criticism and its problems

Important dates

  • Deadline for abstract submission:  March 11, 2018
  • The last acceptance notification date: April 01, 2018

Plenary Speakers

  • Prof. Badirkhan Ahmadov, ANAS, Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi
  • Prof. Fakhraddin Veysalli, Azerbaijan University of Languages
  • Prof. Vagif Sultanli, Baku State University

Instruction for authors

  • The articles are accepted in Azerbaijani, Turkish, English and Russian languages.
  • The name- surname, academic degree, work place and electron address is to be mentioned under the article title.
  • The article must be typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt, 1.5 lines, minimum in 3, maximum in 5 pages.
  • Keyword (3-5 words) must be marked in black letters following the title, and should be translated and added to the summaries too.
  • The article should be written on page A4 - 25 mm from the left, 10 mm from right, 25 mm above and 20 mm from the below.
  • Articles written in Azerbaijani and Turkish should have a summarize written in English and Russian too, the articles written in English should have a summarize written in Azerbaijan and Russian and the articles written in Russian should have a summarize written in English and Azerbaijani.
  • The reference should be at the end of the article and the quotes are to be indicated in the article as [1, p. 342], [2, p. 78] etc..
  • The reference is to be numbered in the sequence of quoted literature found in the text;
  • In case the Internet (sites) are used, the link must be in complete alignment with the taken date at the end of the list of reference.



  1. State Program on Economic Development of the regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2009-2013 // “İqtisadiyyat” paper. April 29 – May 5, 2009.
  2. History of Azerbaijan: in 7 volumes, iv c., Baku: “Elm”, 2000, 456 p.
  3. Habibov I. The possibility of romantic lyrics, Baku: “Yazıçı”, 1984, 167 p.
  4. - 11 mart 2009, 19:00.

  • Articles to be sent should not have been broadcast or submitted for broadcasting elsewhere before.

Term of participation

  • The participants whose articles accepted to the conference are to pay 20 AZN for each article into the account presented by us. 

Conference venue and contact

  • Azerbaijan University
    Nasimi distr., Jeyhun Hajibeyli st., 71
    Baku, Azerbaijan AZ1007
  • Phone: (+99412) 431 41 12/13/16/17 (Ext. 153)
  • E-mail: