Gender problem and modern Azerbaijan

Gender problem and modern Azerbaijan

International conference

November 27, 2020, Azerbaijan University

The 2017 and 2018 republican events are expected to be organized internationally this year. The interest and attention shown to the conference had its impact on this decision. The experience of the two conferences showed that, this field is of great interest and experts have a lot of ideas and approaches to discuss.

The aim of the conference which will be held in November, is to keep the issue of gender equality in Azerbaijan in the spotlight, to share the scientific achievements and experiences gained in this field, to analyze existing problems and to propose suggestions for their solutions, to compare the achievements gained in this field in the country with international experience. Representatives of higher educational institutions, corresponding institutes of ANAS, non-governmental organizations operating in this field, representatives of press, embassies are expected to attend the conference.

Organizing Committee


  • Saadat Aliyeva, Rector, Azerbaijan University, Baku, Azerbaijan


  • Yusif  Gasimov, Azerbaijan Universityv Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Nushaba Guliyeva, Azerbaijan University Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Victoria de Rijke, Middlesex University, London, United Kingdom 
  • Latifa Agamaliyeva, Azerbaijan University Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Osmar Antonio Bonzanini, Integrated Regional University of Upper Uruguay and Missions, Brazil
  • Safar Mammadov, Azerbaijan University, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Gabil A. Aliyev, Azerbaijan University, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Paul Gibbs, Azerbaijan University, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Ulviyya Rahimova, Azerbaijan University, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Samira Mammadova, Azerbaijan University, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Rana Ibrahimbayova, Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Jamila Guliyeva, Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan


  • Gender and history
  • Gender aspects in religion
  • Gender problems of modern society
  • Development of gender democracy in Azerbaijan
  • Gender aspect of economic theory
  • Legal aspects of gender research
  • Gender and culture
  • Gender problem in our literature

Plenary speakers

  • Victoria de Rijke, Middlesex University, London, United Kingdom 
  • Rana Ibrahimbayova, Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Paul Gibbs, Azerbaijan University, Baku, Azerbaijan

Instruction for autors

Working languages of the conference

  • Azerbaijani, Russian, English

Thesis preparation rules

  • Volume up to 3 pages, format A4, font Times New Roman, size 12, 2.0 cm on each side, 1.5 spacing, paragraph 1.25.
  • Keywords must appear before the bibliography. 
  • If the material is presented in Azerbaijani or Russian, the title and summary of the article in English should be attached at the end of the thesis.

The structure of the thesis

  • Thesis title in capital letters, bold (size 12)
  • Author's surname, name, patronymic in bold (size 12)
  • Organization and city name, e-mail in plain font (size 11)
  • In the text of the thesis, the reference to the sources is given in square brackets (according to the number of the reference in the bibliography) (eg [1], [2]). 
  • A list of references shuld be given at the end of the thesis, in alphabetical order and numbered (size 12).

The address where the theses will be sent

  • Theses should be sent to

İmportant dates

  • Deadline for abstract submission:  October 15, 2020
  • The last acceptance notification date: November 15, 2020

Conference venue and contact

  • Azerbaijan University
    71 Jeyhun Hajibeyli st.
    Nasimi distr., Baku city
    The Respublic of Azerbaijan AZ1007
  • E-mail:
  • Phone: (+99412) 431 41 12/13/16 (Ext. 160)

Conference proceedings

Gender Problems and Modern Azerbaijan