Qualification subject examination of doctoral students and dissertators will be held on January 27, 2023


For the attention of doctoral students and dissertators!

The exam for the specialty “Organization and Management of Enterprises” (5311.01) for doctoral studies under the Ph.D. program will be held on January 27, 2023, at the academic corps of Azerbaijan University. 

“Müəssisələrin təşkili və idarə olunması” ixtisası üzrə doktorantura pilləsində ixtisas imtahanı proqramı (Doctoral Qualifying Examination Program for the “Organization and management of enterprises” specialty )

The exam for the specialty “Theory of Language” (5704.01) for doctoral studies under the Ph.D. program will be held on January 27, 2023, at the academic corps of Azerbaijan University.

“Dil nəzəriyyəsi” ixtisası üzrə doktorantura pilləsində ixtisas imtahanı proqramı (Doctoral Qualifying Examination Program for the “Theory of Language” specialty)

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