Our students completed successfully “Galileo” booking system course

Our students  completed successfully “Galileo” booking system course

26 may 2022

Baxış sayı: 1598

Gulnara Bayramova, Aysel Masimova, Ulviya Abdullayeva, Fatma Alakbarova, Rafiga Sadigov, Firuza Novruzova and Elmaddin Murshudov, students majoring in Tourism Guidance at the Faculty of Business and Economics of  University  Azerbaijan, have successfully completed ``Galileo`` booking system course. Gahraman Yusupov, a lecturer at the Department of Finance and Economics, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Associate Professor, presented the certificates to the students.

As a result of the integration of airlines and travel agencies, four global booking systems (Global Distribution System - GDS) have been created. Galileo is currently one of the four global booking systems in the world.

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