No.3, 2021



V.H. Abbasov, F.V. Suleymanov (pp.5-20)
Priorities of development of inter-sectoral economic relations in the formation of the commodity structure of consumer markets

Nigar Alieva (pp.21-28)
Innovative directions of infrastructure development of the regional economy

Vasif Aliyev (pp.29-35)
Management differences between cultures

Nadjiba Hajiyeva (pp.36-47)
Data validation and systematic analysis of agricultural enterprises

Elshan Ibrahimov (pp.48-56)
Economic security of the state and coordination of national interests in the era of globalization

Shafiga Mammadova (pp.57-65)
Problems of estimating Azerbaijan's land resources

Gunel Yusifova (pp.66-76)
Evolution of theoretical approaches to human resource management strategy


Laleh Aliguliyeva (pp.77-83)
Structual-grammatic features of communicative phrasiologisms with participles ın Azerbaijani and Arabic

Ulviyya Ahmadova, Nargiz Gasimli (pp.84-89)
Investigation of the phytonims in English and Azerbaijani languages on the examples of phraseological units

Sabahat Hajıyeva (pp.90-100)
Analysis of various aspects of the role of ICT in foreign language teaching process

Farid Ibrahimli (pp.101-115)
Words expressing indefinite parts of time in poetic language

Tariyel Gani (pp.116-122)
XVIII century Azerbaijan epic environment and Muhammad’s "Shahriyar" epic

Gulchohre Gadirova (pp.123-129)
Metaphoras in the English and Azerbaijan languages

Gismat Rustamov (pp.130-135)
The disruption of identity in Jonathan Safran Foer’s novel “Here I am”