Vol.1 / No.1
Message from Editor
A.T.H. Ibrahim, E.F. Saleh, W.S. Al Mamari, M.M.K. Elsherbiny, M.M. Mustafa (pp.5-13)
Understanding the role of ChatGPT in social work: What we know and what we still need to discover
J. Ringson (pp.14-29)
The closed and open child rights governance systems in Southern Africa: Theophilus Okere’s cultural hermeneutics perspective
T. Verdiyeva, A. Saniyeva (pp.30-38)
Sociometry - a method of measuring social relations
B.S. Sachin, B. Ramesh (pp.39-52)
Financial literacy and poverty reduction in India: A financial social work curriculum framework
U. Shafiyev (pp.53-60)
Social welfare state building and social policy priorities in Azerbaijan
N. Shahhuseynbayova (pp.61-64)
The role of the methodology of social constructivism in the construction of the modern educational process
F.T. Chineka, M. Mundau, S. Moyo, A. Makochekanwa, M. Mhloyi, A. Milanzi (pp.65-77)
Assessing the capacity of Zimbabwe’s GBV referral pathway during the COVID-19 pandemic
U. Mirzayeva (pp.78-86)
Adverse childhood experiences and social work conducted with Azerbaijani repatriated children
T. Valiyeva (pp.87-93)
Foreign country experiences in organizing social work with children from vulnerable groups