Azerbaijan University will be represented at the International Education Fair

Azerbaijan University will be represented at the International Education Fair

25 september 2018

Baxış sayı: 3519

Azerbaijan University will be represented at the 12th Azerbaijan International Education Fair to be held on October 11-13 with the support of the Ministry of Education.

At the stand 1122 representatives of Azerbaijan University will inform the visitors about  the specialties taught at the bachelor, master and doctoral levels of the university, second higher education, the international relations of the University, the internship programs, the exchange programs, and the career opportunities created for the students. Visitors will also be able to find answers to all the questions about the process of admission to higher education institutions.

The fair  representing the leading universities of the country will be held at Baku Expo Center. The organizer of the exhibition is Caspian Event Organizers (CEO).

The 12th Azerbaijan International Career Fair “Career 2018” will be launched in parallel with the Education Fair.

Access to the Education Fair will be open to pupils of 9-11 grades, applicants, students, parents and other professionals in the field of education. We invite all applicants and their parents to visit the stand 1122.

Public Relations Department