Azerbaijan University Held an Event Dedicated to the Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis

Azerbaijan University Held an Event Dedicated to the Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis

28 march 2019

Baxış sayı: 2979

Azerbaijan University held a memorial event dedicated to "March 31st - Azerbaijanis' Genocide Day". The victims of the genocide were commemorated with a minute of silence and the national anthem was performed.

During the event, the essence and goals of the genocide committed by the Armenians against the Azerbaijani people during the various periods and the new research carried out in this field were informed and  the importance of memorial events was emphasized.

Professor Gabil Aliyev, head of the Department of Social Sciences, noted that the hostile policy of the Armenian invaders and their supporters against the Azerbaijani people has about 200 years of history. Emphasizing the importance of exposing this insidious policy based on historical facts, Gabil Aliyev said that our youth have important responsibilities to prevent the bloody events from happening again. They must deeply learn our history and be active in bringing the truth to the international community.

The guest of the event, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Maharram Zulfugarli said that during the period of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic special attention was paid to the March and April events of 1918, and the Special Investigation Commission was created to investigate the tragedy, and there was a special body under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to convey this truth to the world community and March 31, 1919 and 1920, was celebrated as the "Day of Maternity." However, the collapse of the PAC did not allow the process to end. Facts about the history of Azerbaijan in the Soviet era, including the genocide committed against the Azerbaijanis at the beginning of the 20th century, were falsified and disorted presenting our friends as "enemies", our enemies as "friends" and false heroes were created.

After restoration of independence, the mass destructions and massacres committed by the Baku Commune and the Armenian Dashnaks in different regions and cities of Azerbaijan were given a legal and political assessment by the decree "On the genocide of Azerbaijanis", signed on March 26, 1998 by national leader Heydar Aliyev and March 31 was announced as the Day of the Genocide of Azerbaijanis. The decree, which was a very important document, changed the direction of researches in this area.

In his speech, Maharram Zulfugalli gave information about his recent studies in this direction and the their results in the books "Shamakhi genocide" (2011), "Goychay battles" (2017) and "Goychay battles in Turkish historiography" (2018).

Graduate students majoring in Azerbaijan's new and most recent history, made reports - Roza Mammadova on the theme "The services of higher muslim proprietors for the prevention of Armenian assaults and crimes against the Azerbaijani population in the early XX century, " and Novreste Guliyeva on the theme "Genocide of Armenian armed forces against the Azerbaijani population in press pages at the beginning of the XX century".

At the end, the slide on the theme "Genocide of the Armenian armed forces against the Azerbaijani population at the beginning of the XX century" was demonstrated.

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