146 citizens have been serviced at the entrant`s counseling center at the Azerbaijan University for 2 days

146 citizens have been serviced at the entrant's counseling center at the  Azerbaijan University for 2 days

26 july 2019

Baxış sayı: 2708

In two days, 146 entrants have been provided with advisory services and technical support at the Entrant Counseling Center of the Azerbaijan University . 72 entrants have been approved. The  parents and sub-bachelors  were among those who applied to the center.

ARB and Leader TV elucidated the activities of the  Center. The selection of specialties for higher education institutions will last until August 6. Entrants and sub-bachelors who wish to choose a specialty may apply to the Entrant Counseling Center at the Azerbaijan University  for free of charge. The Center was set up by agreement between the State Examination Center and Azerbaijan University and has been operating for 2 years. . Special trained staff of the Center provides entrants with assistance and advisory service on some tasks as  admission rules, admission of entrants for higher and secondary special education institutions,  completing and approving the "Entrant’s Electronic Application", and any technical issues that may arise during the competition, the matters to be considered in the selection process and so on.  The center operates from 10 am to 5 pm 5 days a week (except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays).

 Address: Baku city, Nasimi district, Jeyhun Hajibayli 71

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