The qualification round of the ACM ICPC competition was held at Azerbaijan University

The qualification round of the ACM ICPC competition was held at Azerbaijan University

31 october 2022

Baxış sayı: 8291

The competitions of the qualification round of the 47th world championship of the ACM ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest) International Programming Contest of students of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies were held at Azerbaijan University.

15 teams with three students each took part in the online competition. Tasks were sent to the profiles of the teams registered centrally across the country. During the 5-hour competition, the teams had to complete 12 Olympic tasks presented during this time. 

Note that 4 or 5 teams participating in the qualification stage can qualify for the next ¼ final stage of the competition. We congratulate our teams that qualified for the next stage and wish them to represent our university in the competition.

 Public Relations Department