Academician Yagub Mahmudov gave an exemplary talk

Academician Yagub Mahmudov gave an exemplary talk

14 march 2019

Baxış sayı: 4137

Correspondent member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, the director of History Institute of ANAS, honored scientist, national defender, academician Yagub Mahmudov gave a model talk on the subject “The urgent problems of today’s Azerbaijan history ”.

Academician spoke about current problems in Azerbaijan historical science and some investigated works at the History Institute.

He denoted that the special attention and care that had been paid by national wide leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev to the investigation of the history of Azerbaijan caused the implementation and doing new fundamental researches at History Institute.

A number of problems that falsified deliberately has been main research object and many experiments have been done in this direction. Over 300 collection of works and documents have been published about history of Azerbaijan by history Institute on the recommendation of president.

Some works about the history of Garabagh, Nakhchivan and Iravan were prepared and translated into different foreign languages and were spread through the world.

Academician who called the students the active struggle against expansionist policy of aggressive Armenia said; “We have the oldest state system of the region. Azerbaijan has 5000 yearly statehood history. Azerbaijan people was the creators of emperors and ruler over the neighbor peoples”

Yagub Mahmudov also mentioned that people who didn’t take possession of history was sentenced to fall, people who assumed possession of his history was invincible. 

The young must learn our state history, must preserve national-spiritual heritage and hold possession of it.

Rector Saadat Aliyeva, director of social sciences chair prof. Gabil Aliyev thanked to academician for accepting their invitation. Within the framework of the event exhibition of academician’s works was organized.

After the ceremony 300 different books were made a present to the library of Azerbaijan University.  

Public Relations Department