International Relations Department announces places for 5 people to Koblenz University

International Relations Department announces places for 5 people to Koblenz University

24 october 2017

Baxış sayı: 3704

International Relations Department announces place for 5 people to Koblenz University in Germany within “Erasmus+” student exchange program.

Our students studying at the School of Business and Economics who want to continue their education at the partner German University of Koblenz in the spring semester of 2017/2018 can apply to the International Relations Department.

Students must have English language proficiency and GPA score 2.5 and above.

The credits obtained by the students at the University of Koblenz will be recognized by Azerbaijan University.

The International Relations Department is on the 3rd floor, room 410.

Deadline for application: November 1, 2017 

Public Relations Department