German university holds a presentation for our students

German university holds a presentation for our students

23 september 2016

Baxış sayı: 4717

University of Koblenz, Germany, has held a presentation for the students of Azerbaijan University. The presentation was made by a university’s representative, Professor  Magdalena Stulb. The event was mainly attended by business and economics students.

The presentation was started by Vusal Hasanov, the Dean of the School of Business and Economics, who informed the attendees about the relations between the two universities. He noted that the exchange of students between the two universities is being implemented through “Erasmus + "program.

Professor Magdalena Stulb spoke about Koblenz University’s number of students, student life, scientific research and teaching staff, teaching environment, faculties and departments, and international relations. She also answered students’ questions during the presentation. It was noted that students who wish to study at the University of Koblenz within the framework of exchange programs should contact the Department of International Relations of Azerbaijan University.

At the event, Christiane Richter, a student of University of Koblenz, and Asif Safarli, a student of  Azerbaijan University shared their experiences with the participants. Christiane Richter will be studying at Azerbaijan University in fall semester this year while Asif Safarli studied in Koblenz University in fall and spring semester in the academic year 2015-2016. He has an MBA degree in Marketing from Azerbaijan University.

At present, two students of Azerbaijan University, Yelizaveta Shiryayeva and Kamran Mustafayev, are studying at Koblenz University. Yelizaveta Shiryayeva, a student of the School of Business and Economics (World Economics, BBA, IV year),  gained academic experience at the university in spring semester last year. Kamran Mustafayev (Accounting, MBA) earned the right to study in the University of Koblenz, Germany in fall semester of 2016-2017 academic year.

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