Azerbaijan University will participate at Education exhibition with MiniLab

Azerbaijan University will participate at Education exhibition with MiniLab

07 october 2019

Baxış sayı: 3251

The preliminary work is underway at Azerbaijan University in connection with Azerbaijan İnternational Exhibition of Education will take place at Baku Expo Center on October 10-12. Azerbaijan University participating at the İnternational Exhibition of Education subsequently for the second time will be represented at E1122 Stand. The exhibition is supported by the Azerbaijan Ministry of Education.

Azerbaijan University will take part in the exhibition with its MiniLab. The students of IKT faculty will fulfil the laboratorian work in 3 days and represent their job in the final part of the exhibition.     

Moreover, the attendants of the exhibition will be able to obtain  information about the majors taught at Azerbaijan University, opportunities created for the students, international relations,  Student Exchange Programs, financial technical base, scientific activity, and success. The attendants can question the university staff which they are interested in.

Books, monographs, and textbooks of the professor- teacher staff , robots and electronic appliances designed by the students of IKT will also be displayed at stand.  

It is worth mentioning the International Educational Exhibition of Education is the most crucial event in the educational field, all the more it's a favorable platform for putting into practice professional communication and educational projects. The exhibition received 135 enterprises from 12 countries of the world,  about 12 thousand attendants got acquainted with the exposition.

Public Relations Department