Azerbaijan University joins the Student-Volunteer Program “BIR”

Azerbaijan University joins the Student-Volunteer Program “BIR”

18 november 2019

Baxış sayı: 3167

The presentation of the Student Volunteer Program “BIR” of the Ministry of Education was held at Azerbaijan University. Participants were informed about the program, and video clips showing the activities of the program and student volunteers were demonstrated.

Professor Yusif Gasimov, Vice-rector for Science of Azerbaijan University, noted that Azerbaijan, which has attracted the attention of the world with the pace and success of dynamic economic development, also hosts high level sports events, international humanitarian forums, conferences, cultural events, and demonstrates its organizational skills and its power as well. The transformation of our country into an international platform in these areas provides young people with opportunities to develop their personal skills, and student volunteers play an important role in organizing and implementing large-scale events.

Canoglan Ilyasov, head of the Student-Volunteer Program, spoke about the history of the program, its success, activities, opportunities for students, and provided information on registration rules. Canoglan Ilyasov said that the program was created by the Ministry of Education according to the decree of President Ilham Aliyev on December 14, 2015 after European Games in order to create a unified student volunteer base for institutionalizing volunteer movement, to systematize the organization of volunteer students, and to encourage students to engage in volunteer activities. The project, which has more than 25,000 student volunteers as a national volunteer platform, brings together more than 40 educational institutions in 11 regions. The program in six directions has provided voluntary and organizational support to over 500 local and international events so far.

At the event it was noted that the first 'Electronic Volunteer Portal' in Azerbaijan was created by the program. Through this system, each student-volunteer’s certificates of the events which they participated in are posted on their account at The portal also provides student volunteers with an electronic employment card. Students wishing to join the program can become active student- volunteers by registering at

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