Azerbaijan University joined the "DOST khonchasi" campaign

Azerbaijan University joined the

19 march 2019

Baxış sayı: 3400

Azerbaijan University has joined the "DOST KHONCHASI" campaign on Novruz Holiday initiated by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population. 

Within the framework of the campaign, the staff of the university were the guest of the 83-year-old Aghakarim Babayev, who was living lonely in the Bilgah village of Baku, and presented him the "DOST Khonchasi"( Novruz Gift Basket). Congratulating Aghakarim Babayev on behalf of the staff of  Azerbaijan University,  university members talked to him.

It should be noted that the action organized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population is aimed at protecting this tradition, which is transmitted from generations to generation, to visit the elderly and old people, celebrate the holiday with them, and to instill care for the elderly in society. Each organization and everyone can join the campaign.

 Those who continue the campaign are asked to share their posts under #DostXonçası “hashtag” on facebook.

Public Relations Department