Azerbaijan University in the world ranking
In Azerbaijan, in order to determine the scientometric indicators of researchers, the report of one of the most popular scientific publishing platforms of the Scopus database of Elsevier Scimago Institutions Rankings for 2022 was highlighted. According to the report, the Azerbaijan University, having achieved great success in the field of research activity, was included in the world ranking. Occupying the 3rd place in the list of scientific organizations, institutes and higher educational institutions of the republic, Azerbaijan University in this ranking was included in the highest category Q1. The main rating criterion is scientific articles by employees of organizations published in journals indexed on the basis of Scopus and the number of references to these articles. The rating list from Azerbaijan includes only 8 institutions, of which 4 universities, 3 scientific institutes and 1 scientific center.
According to the report, based on the general evaluation criteria, Azerbaijan University ranked 556 among the world's influential universities included in the ranking. Among scientific centers, institutes and higher educational institutions, it ranks 604th in the world in mathematics research, 93rd in Eastern Europe, and 3rd in Azerbaijan. In addition, the Azerbaijan University in all categories has similar indicators with the University of Yemen “Seiyun”, the University of China “Chinju National University of Education” and the University of Iran “Islamic Azad”.
It should be noted that the Azerbaijan University, being a research university, in accordance with the strategic development plan, as a result of the effective scientific activities of the scientific department of the University and its employees, has achieved significant success in recent years in improving both the quality and quantity of scientific research and scientometric indicators. Over the past 3 years, the “H” index has increased from 2nd to 20th. By the number of articles published in indexed journals, the Azerbaijan University entered the top three among the universities of the republic.
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