Azerbaijan University started to cooperate with EBSCO

Azerbaijan University started to cooperate with EBSCO

15 october 2018

Baxış sayı: 3376

The presentation of EBSCO which is the greatest online database of Internet scientific researches and publications in the world was held in Azerbaijan University. The presentation was conducted by the national mediator of  eiFl. net International Consortium and Jamila Yusifova who is the coordinator of Azerbaijan Library Information Consortium.

Besides giving the information about the capacity and services of the database, usage of computerized resources, work principles of searching system and facilitating ways of the browsing were demonstrated in the presentation as well.

It was noted that, Azerbaijan University is already the member of EBSCO, therefore professor-teacher staff and students can use this database for their purpose without any difficulties.

It need to be mentioned that, EBSCO is the leadest connector of the prominent scientific-research publications. The company starting his foundation in 1944 in the USA, now portrays his electronic variants of publications to its readers from all parts of the world. The language of the information source of  EBSCO which confirms your access to the thousands of e-journals, newspapers and articles is mainly English.

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