Azerbaijan University received Accredited Test Center Status of ECDL

Azerbaijan University received Accredited Test Center Status of ECDL

07 november 2017

Baxış sayı: 5463

Azerbaijan University has been approved as an Official Accredited Testing Center (ATC) of ECDL (European Computer Driving License) - internationally-recognized computer skills certification programme in our country. This status was given to Azerbaijan University by the Information Technology Institute of the Republic of Lithuania.

Among the standards confirming computer literacy, ECDL certificate has become widespread around the world and is recognized by more than 150 countries. 

The ECDL Center will function as a training and testing center. Participants who successfully pass the exams of ECDL trainings will be able to certify their computer skills with an internationally recognized certificate.

Further information on training and testing will be provided later. 

Public Relations Department