A Memorandum has been signed between Azerbaijan University and Almaty Management University

A Memorandum has been signed between Azerbaijan University and Almaty Management University

30 november 2018

Baxış sayı: 3296

A Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation was signed between Azerbaijan University and Almaty Management University.

The document was signed by the rector of Azerbaijan University Saadat Aliyeva and vice-rector for corporate development Almaty Management University Ruslan Kozhakmetov. At the meeting held at Azerbaijan University, the sides exchanged views on possible cooperation directions.

According to the agreement, the parties will cooperate in such areas as teacher-student exchange, organization of joint conferences, conducting joint scientific research works and so on.

After the meeting, vice-rector got acquainted with the educational building and material-technical base of Azerbaijan University. The auditorium of the Azerbaijan Democratic People's Republic, the Confucius Center and the Scientific Library was shown to the guest.

Rector Saadat Aliyev informed the guest about the history, activities, achievements, exchange programs and international relations of the university she leads, and said that the university cooperates with advanced universities in Turkey and Europe.

The parties expressed their confidence that the Memorandum of Understanding would contribute to the development of education in both universities.

Public Relations Department