Azerbaijan University will hold a conference with British University

Azerbaijan University will hold a conference with British University

13 november 2019

Baxış sayı: 2914

Azerbaijan University in partnership with Middlesex University (London, United Kingdom) will hold an international scientific conference "Gender Problems and Contemporary Azerbaijan" on 27 November, 2019.

Louise Dalingwater, Professor of Sorbonne University, one of the most recognized universities in the world, will be the guest speaker of the conference. In addition, well-known scholars from England, New Zealand and other foreign countries are expected to attend the conference.

The main purpose of the conference is to keep the issue of gender equality in focus in  Azerbaijan, to share scientific achievements and experience in this area, to analyze existing problems and to make proposals for their solutions, to compare the country's successes  in this field with international experience.

The event, held nationwide in 2017 and 2018, will be held internationally this year. The interest and attention to the conference has influenced the decision making process. The experience of the two conferences has shown that there is great interest in this area and there are many ideas and approaches for the experts to discuss.

Representatives of higher educational institutions, corresponding institutes of ANAS, non-governmental organizations oprating in this area, the press and embassies are expected to participate in the international conference.

For more information go to the conference page: /az/menu/336/

Public Relations Department