Azerbaijan University will hold two scientific conferences in autumn

Azerbaijan University will hold two scientific conferences in autumn

21 may 2019

Baxış sayı: 4131

The Azerbaijan University will hold two scientific conferences in autumn, one of which will be republican and another one - international. The conference on “Sustainable Development and Actual Problems of the Humanities” will be devoted to a discussion of sustainable development strategies and problems facing the humanities.

The conference to be held on October 24, 2019 is dedicated to the 50 anniversary of the first coming to power in Azerbaijan of the national leader Heydar Aliyev. The Organizing Committee will accept articles until September 27, 2019.

 For more information, go to the conference page:

The main goal of the conference “Gender Problems and Modern Azerbaijan”, which will be held on November 28, 2019, is dedicated to the issues of ensuring gender equality in Azerbaijan, sharing scientific achievements and experience gained in this area, analyzing existing problems and ensuring that proposals are put forward to solve them, comparing achievements of the country in this area with international experience.

It is expected that this event, which was carried out in 2017 and 2018 on a national scale, will be organized at the international level starting this year. The interest and attention shown to the conference influenced this decision. The experience of the two conferences showed that interest in this area is great, and there are many ideas and approaches to the discussion of experts.

The deadline for submitting articles to the conference is October 28, 2019.

For more information, go to the conference website:

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