Azerbaijan University does not forget Fakhraddin Gurbanli, the martyr graduate

Azerbaijan University does not forget Fakhraddin Gurbanli, the martyr graduate

03 april 2019

Baxış sayı: 3478

Azerbaijan University, which always holds high the memomory of its graduate Fakhraddin Gurbanli who died in the April fighting in 2016, announced April 1-6 "Memorial Day of Fakhraddin Gurbanli".

Within the framework of the Week, the students are informed about the "April fights and consequences" that prove to the whole world that the victory of the Azerbaijani Army and the justice will be restored, and is paid tribute to martyr's memory.

It was created a memorial plaque to Fakhraddin Gurbanli at Azerbaijan University and for the first year students,  was held the screening of the documentary film “Lələtəpədə yazılan dastan” dedicated to the memory of the martyr. The martyr's family members watched the film together with the University staff and the students. In the documentary film, family members of martyr, secondary and university teachers, classmates and group mates, relatives share their memories about Fakhraddin Gurbanli.

During the past three years, the university administration, which has always been a moral support to the family of Fakhraddin Gurbanli, has demonstrated moral solidarity by participating in the martyr's funeral this year.

Note that, Azerbaijan University founded a "Scholarship named after Shahid Fakhraddin Gurbanli" in 2016. The scholarship for a total of 500 AZN is awarded to the student  who has been admitted to the university with the highest score  in the first semester of the first academic year. On the second anniversary of the April wars, the memorial book “Şəhidlər ölmür”(Martyrs do not die) dedicated to the martyr's memory was published. The book contains biographical information on martyr, memoirs of teachers and students, as well as a poem “Vətən qartalı” (Homeland Eagle), by Rayhan Menofova, a master student of the University, dedicated to Fakhraddin Gurbanli, and photos.

May God have mercy on all our martyrs!

Public Relations Department