Azerbaijan University is successfully represented at the Education Fair

Azerbaijan University is successfully represented at the Education Fair

11 october 2018

Baxış sayı: 4271

Azerbaijan University is successfully represented at the 12th Azerbaijan International Education Fair held at Baku Expo Center.

Visitors to the stand of the University are informed about the majors taught at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels, the international relations of the university and exchange programs, educational opportunities abroad, and scholarship programs. The stand displays the achievements of the University over the past year, including books, monographs and textbooks by professor-teacher staff, and robotic and electronic devices made by students of the Major of Information and Communication Technology.The students' project and handicraft are of particular interest to schoolchildren.

Visitors get detailed information about the activities of the university, educational opportunities, material and technical base, student life through videocards, magazines and infomarterials.

The visitors to the exhibition competing with their stand also has a surprise from the Azerbaijani University. So to visitors will be presented 5 vouchers, which provides a concession on tuition fee. The winch owners will be determined by shooting from the visitors of the University stand. Each voucher provides a 10% concession on the tuition fee for the first academic year. Vouchers can only be used in the 2019/2020 academic year. The voucher can use either the winner or the close relatives (son, daughter, sister, brother).

Further information can be obtained at the Baku Expo Center by approaching the stand number E1122.

This year's 12th exhibition under the slogan "Investing in Children's Future" will complete its work tomorrow.

Public Relations Department