Azerbaijan University hosted an event dedicated to "March 31 - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis"

Azerbaijan University hosted an event dedicated to

28 march 2018

Baxış sayı: 4706

Memorial event dedicated to "March 31 - Day of Genocide of World’s Azerbaijanis " was held at Azerbaijan University. At the event, which was held today at the auditorium of the "Democratic People's Republic of Azerbaijan", a group of university management and faculty members participated in the event.

State Anthem was performed at the event. The victims of the genocide were commemorated with a minute of silence.

The rector of the University Saadat Aliyeva opened the event. The rector said that there are painful and sad moments in the history of our people along with heroic pages. Murders and massacres committed by Armenians in Baku, Shamakhi, Guba, Lankaran, Zangazur, Garabagh, Nakhchivan and other regions in March-April, 1918 are among the painful and tragic pages of our history.

Saadat Aliyeva noted that the facts about the 1918 genocide have been falsified and hidden from the world community. Following the re-establishment of independence, after the decree signed by national leader Heydar Aliyev on the eve of the 80th anniversary of the March genocide, an opportunity was created to create an objective view of the era, the facts and truths distorted for many years were discovered and got its real value. The decree of President Ilham Aliyev on the 100th anniversary of the genocide of Azerbaijanis is another important step aimed at preventing the falsification of historical facts by our neighbors.

The rector said that the organization of the memorial event in the "Auditorium of the People's Republic of Azerbaijan" is symbolic. Because though the People's Republic has lived for only 23 months, it has been hailed as a glorious page in our history.

Later on, Rector's advisor, PhD in history Nushaba Guliyeva made a speech on the theme of "Measures of the Azerbaijani state on the legal assessment of the March 1918 genocide", associate professor of the Azerbaijan University Boran Aziz "On the Turkish-Muslim genocide in March 1918", Professor of Azerbaijan University Gabil Aliyev on "1918 Crime Prevention Measures", scientific secretary of the Institute of History named after A.A.Bakikhanov, Irada Aliyeva, on the theme "The violent Christianization policy of Tsarist Russia in North-West Azerbaijan as a genocide phenomenon."

The speeches were presented on historical roots, character and scale of March events of 1918 and on the role of young people in promoting the truth of Azerbaijan in the international arena. It was noted that memorial events should be regarded as a manifestation of national memory in tragic events in our history.

The event ended with a demonstration of video on "Genocide of March, 1918 in the language of documents ".

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