“Open Door” Days starts at Azerbaijan University

“Open Door” Days starts at Azerbaijan University

15 april 2019

Baxış sayı: 3136

Azerbaijan University invites applicants who are applying to the I, II and III specialty groups and their relatives to the "Open Door" days. “Open door” events will be held on Thursdays from April 17 to August 19, from 10.00a.m. to 4.00p.m.

Infotours will be organised to the educational building for participants, they will be able to get detailed information about the specialties, passing scores, scholarships and study abroad opportunities for the next academic year, international relations of the university, student life, career opportunities of the profession they want to choose, talk to professor-teacher staff, also they will be able to contact the staff of the Applicant Counseling Center with questions that interest them. Upon the agreement reached between the State Examination Center and Azerbaijan University, the center operates on a fee-free basis to assist applicants seeking higher education and vocational education institutions.

Applicants and their relatives who want to attend the “Open Door” must register in advance. When entering the University building, it is necessary to present identity card.

For registration: tel: (+99412) 431 41 12 (extension 133)
Address: 71 Ceyhun Hajibeyli st., Nasimi district, Baku city
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