Exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic

Exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the  Azerbaijan Democratic Republic

18 may 2018

Baxış sayı: 4467

An exhibition of documents, pictures, letters, books and other materials related to Azerbaijan Democratic Republic included in the collection of the writer and journalist Dilgam Ahmad was presented at Azerbaijan University. The event was held as exhibition and lecture in the lecture hall of the Azerbaijan Democatic Republic.

Dilgam Ahmad stated that he collected the materials in Istanbul city of Turkey. There he has met the alive relatives and children of the immigrants and derived the  documents from their personal archive. He said: O deyib: “Istanbul was mostly visited city of political immigrants. Therefore, we could get plenty of materials related to the ADR period. One of the immigrant’s children I met with is Feyzavar khanum, daughter of Ali bay Huseynzada awarded with “Dostluq” reward by our president.

The guest gave information to the participants with a comprehensive presentation about the history and availability of eevery document included in the collection. The collection contains the original coat of arms not accepted during the period of the democratic repubic, the photo of Mammad Amin Rasulzada taken in Finland, his photo taken by pen, letters written to his friends about his health, his photo taken in Istanbul regarding the 9th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, photo from the parade held in Istiglaliyyat street of Baku city in the first anniversary of the Democratic Republic, original photo of Alimardan bay Topchubashov, the photo sent to Mammad Amin Rasulzada by Miryagub Mirmehdiyev who was one of the members of the Azerbaijani delagate participacted in the Paris Peace Conference, photo of the editorial staff of “Azerbaijan” newspaper – the official newspaper of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, funeral photos of Rasulzada and such other unique documents.

Following the presentation, the participants were introducted the documents.

Dilgam Ahmad has presented a piece of the collection to the ADR auditorium of the University.

To note that, two books -“Farglilar” and “Muhajirlarin donushu” of Dilgam Ahmad have been published on the basis of his materials about the ADR. The third book soon to be published is called “From one to hundred years”.

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