V European Economic Congress has started its work at Azerbaijan University

V European Economic Congress has started its work at Azerbaijan University

25 april 2019

Baxış sayı: 3840

The fifth event of the European Economic Congress series has started at Azerbaijan University today. The other Congress co-organizers are Kocaeli University of Turkey and WSB University of Poland. The prestigious international event, which has been held in various countries around the world, focuses on the topic of “Global Economic Trends” this year.

University administration and international staff visited the Alley of Honor in the morning and commemorated national leader Heydar Aliyev and laid flowers at his grave. A wreath was laid in front of the bust of national leader in the lobby of the university, and his memory was commemorated.

The opening ceremony began with the performance of the National Anthem.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, rector Saadat Aliyeva said that the geography of the congress attracted the attention of scientists working in the field of science as a serious scientific event, and the number of participants increased. The rector noted that the tendency of globalization in the world and its influence on all spheres of human activity, including the economy, put new demands on the economy. The package of economic reforms announced by President Ilham Aliyev in Azerbaijan and the continuity of the successes achieved through their implementation are the consideration of the realities of globalization, ensuring their scientific, theoretical and practical justification. Saadat Aliyeva said she believes that the platform proposed by the Congress to discuss such issues, will be successful in terms of forming different scientific views on them and obtaining concrete scientific results.

Then MPs Ganira Pashayeva, Aydin Mirzazade, representatives of Kocaeli and WSB universities Selcuk Koch and Pavel Urgacz, Corresponding Member of ANAS, prof. Akif Musayev, Director of the Institute for Scientific Research on Economic Reforms of the Ministry of Economy, prof. Vilayat Valiyev expressed his confidence that the event would contribute to the economy and wished success to the Congress.

Visiting Speakers  Hans - Michael Trautwein, Professor of the German University of Oldenburg, Rui Alexandre Castanho, professor of Spanish Extremadura University, Roberto Ciccone, Professor of Roma Tre University of Italy, Professor of the Polish Institute of Meteorology and Water Management Tomasz Kasprowicz delivered speeches at the plenary session of the Congress.

Professor Hans-Michael Trautwei's report is devoted to "Globalization, fragmentation and evolution of economic thought." Prof. Rui Alexandre Castanho delivered a speech on "Border Cooperation as a Mechanism for the Development of Economy and Entrepreneurship in Europe." Italian guest Roberto Ciccone on "A new look at capital criticism and classic approach: macroeconomic and political outcomes", Polish guest Tomasz Kasprowicz made a report on "Bitcoin and blockchain: unresolved challenge and the future of the financial system".

After the break, the event continued its work at sectional sessions.

About 100 reports on actual problems of modern economics by the authors representing 13 countries are planned to be listened in the sections of a three-day congress. The event participants are expected to present interesting presentations on audit, financial security, ecology, demography, mathematical economic modeling.

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