State Flag Day and Constitution Day were celebrated at Azerbaijan University

State Flag Day and Constitution Day were celebrated at Azerbaijan University

08 november 2017

Baxış sayı: 6093

An educational lecture was organized at Azerbaijan University on the occasion of the 9th of November - State Flag Day and the 12th of November - Constitution Day together with the Knowledge Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The lecture was held by professor Anar Isgandarov, the teacher of Azerbaijan University, lecturer of the Knowledge Fund, Doctor of Historical Sciences.

The event was opened by senior lecturer Elnara Aliyeva, the employee of Domestic Projects Department of the Knowledge Fund, PhD in Philology and she informed the participants about the activities of the Fund. The guest stated that a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Azerbaijan University and the Knowledge Fund in April of this year. Elnara Aliyeva noted that, according to the memorandum, the parties work jointly in the direction of educating the population of the country and promoting national and spiritual values and implement joint projects. The guest also spoke about clubs operating under the fund and called event participants to join the activities of the club.

Professor Anar Isgandarov spoke about our three-colored flag and the history of the Constitution of Azerbaijan Republic. The professor explained why the first flag of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR), the first democratic and secular state in the East and the Turkic and Muslim world, founded on the 28th of May, 1918, was not three-colored. Anar Isgandarov stated that on the 9th of November of that year, that flag was replaced with a three-colored flag consisting of green, red and blue stripes representing ideas of Turkism, Islamism and modernity. The founder of this conception is outstanding Azerbaijani thinker Ali bey Huseynzade.

The professor noted that during the Soviet empire, the flag of ADR was replaced with a red one with the symbol of hammer and sickle on it. The three-colored flag of ADR was restored on the 17th of November, 1990 by the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and was adopted as the national flag of the Autonomous Republic. On the 5th of February, 1991, it was declared the national flag of the independent republic by the decision of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan. The 9th of November is celebrated as the State Flag Day upon the decree signed by Ilham Aliyev, the President of Azerbaijan on the 18th of November, 2009.

 Anar Isgandarov informed the participants about the National Flag Square - memorial monument situated in Bayil, Baku as well, and reminded that in 2010, the Guinness World Records confirmed that Azerbaijan`s National Flagpole on the square was the world's tallest flagpole.

 Anar Isgandarov stated that although important steps were taken in the fields of state building, economy and culture, education and health, the geographical concept of "Azerbaijan" turned into a political concept during the 23-month period of ADR, a constitution was not adopted. Although four constitutions were adopted in 1921, 1925, 1937 and 1978, during the Soviet era, with the collapse of the empire the last one - 1978 constitution lost its force.

On the 12th of November, 1995, the first Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan was adopted by a nationwide referendum upon restoration of the independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan. That day was proclaimed as Constitution Day on the 1th of November, 1996, by the decree of national leader Heydar Aliyev.

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