Azerbaijan University’s Electronic Library was put into operation

Azerbaijan University’s Electronic Library was put into operation

25 october 2018

Baxış sayı: 4203

A fully-fledged, up to the modern standards electronic library has been launched at Azerbaijan University. E-library is accessible from any point of the world via the Internet. From now on, students will be able to use digital library services freely, regardless of where they are.

Today’s presentation of the e-library portal was attended by the university’s teachers, students and administrative staff. The presentation was hosted by Solmaz Osmanlı, the regional representative of the IRBIS-64 Automated Library Information System (ALIS).

It was noted at the event that the electronic library works via internet and all processes are fully automated through the software. After accessing the university’s website, the user can get acquainted with the rich library of modern books, which is accessible from the "Electronic Library" link. The users will also be able to receive answers more quickly without having to wait for the assistance of librarian-bibliographer. Classical catalogs have been replaced by electronic catalogs. Readers can perform surveys and track book deliveries by ordering online from the electronic catalog.

Electronic library’s membership and usage rules were also explained. The teachers, students and the university staff will be able to access the library by registering online.

Public Relations Department