The event dedicated to the "Science Day" was held at Azerbaijan University

The event dedicated to the

27 march 2019

Baxış sayı: 3076

Corresponding member of ANAS, Professor Akif Musayev made a report on " Problems put in front of the economics science in Globalization, changes in ecology and the development of technologies " at the event dedicated to the "March 27th - Science Day" at Azerbaijan University.

The event was opened by Prof. Yusif Gasimov, vice-rector for Science of the University. He noted that the establishment of March 27 as the "Science Day" by the decree of President Ilham Aliyev indicates the attention of the Azerbaijani state to the development of science and education. Yusif Gasimov emphasized the importance of the decree and noted that the document places very important tasks in front of scientific institutions, organizations and universities.

Professor Akif Musayev drew attention to the problems facing the economic science in the modern world, touched on such issues as secret economy, the greater share of the financial sector compared to the real sector, the share of services compared to material production, abnormalities in wage distribution, assessment of digital economy outcomes, cryptovaluet and bitkoin dissemination. In his report Akif Musayev gave information about areas and issues to be addressed by researchers and drew attention to the serious problems facing economic policy institutions.

At the end of the report, participants' questions were answered and discussion was held around the theme.

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