“Career day” held at Azerbaijan University

 “Career day” held at Azerbaijan University

23 may 2017

Baxış sayı: 4477

“Career day” has been held at Azerbaijan University. Companies and enterprises in various industries have been represented at traditional event that has been orginised thrice this year. Students were informed about thestages of recruitment process and were offered  vacancies, work experience and career opportunities by different companies and government agenciessuch as banking, construction, retail, IT, etc. that are operating in various sectors ofthe country’s economy.

The goal of the event, which was held under the motto” The first step in a career”, is  to be  an intermediary between youths, who are on the way of looking for a job, and businesses, and government agencies.

Companies and government agencies represented at the event:

  1. The Ministry of Taxes
  2. Central Bank
  3. Ata Holding
  4. Synergy Group
  5. Azersun Holding
  6. Azersu
  7. Bank BTB
  8. Sumgait Technologies Park (STP)
  9. Veyseloglu
  10.  Baku Steel Company

Public Relations Department