International conference dedicated to gender problems was held at Azerbaijan University

International conference dedicated to gender problems was held at Azerbaijan University

27 november 2019

Baxış sayı: 3304

An international scientific conference "Gender Problems and Contemporary Azerbaijan" was held at Azerbaijan University. The conference was organized in partnership with Middlesex University, UK.

The international event began with the National Anthem.

At the opening of the conference rector of Azerbaijan University, Saadat Aliyeva welcomed the participants and guests of the conference and provided information about the conferences held in 2017 and 2018 dedicated to gender. The rector said that interest in these conferences and their resonance gave the idea of organizing an international event, and the initiative of Azerbaijan University was supported by the University of Middlesex in the UK.

Saadat Aliyeva depicted that the Azerbaijani woman works in all spheres of social, political, cultural, economic and state life of the country and contributes to strengthening the independence of our state. Under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, all conditions are created for increasing the role of women in the Azerbaijani society, and the policy of Heydar Aliyev is successfully continued. First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva is at the forefront of the gender equality movement in Azerbaijan and dignifies our ladies in international organizations. Mehriban Aliyeva’s great mission displays visible  evidence of high-level guarantee  of Azerbaijani women's rights.

The rector emphaized that, as a member of the traditional East society, certain stereotypes and mental limitations still prevent women from realizing their full potential. The aim of the platform offered by the Azerbaijan University is to analyze and discuss these and other gender-based problems, provide suggestions for solutions, and compare Azerbaijan's success with international experience.

At the ceremony, MP Sona Aliyeva, Rector of Azerbaijan Institute of theology, Jeyhun Mammadov, conference partner, professor of Middlesex University Victoria de Rijke, Director of the “British Council Azerbaijan office” Summer Xia made speeches and emphasized the importance of the conference and wished success to the event. The speeches covered the topics such as traditional views on gender equality in Azerbaijan, gender-based problems and solutions, promotion of gender equality, improvement of the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan from gender perspective and successes in this area, increase of women's role in public life, gender equality policy in Azerbaijan, gender problem and spiritual education in the family, differences in values system in eastern and western societies etc.

After the opening ceremony, the plenary session began and two statements presented. The guest speaker of the conference, Louise Dalingwater, Professor of Sorbonne University in France, spoke on "Neoliberal Reforms and Women's Satisfaction in the Workplace," and Rena Ibrahimbekova, Professor of Baku State University, spoke on "The Contemporary Situation of Gender Approach".

After the plenary session and the break, the conference continued its work in the section meetings. The event ended with a closing ceremony at the end of the day.

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