Azerbaijan University finished 2019

Azerbaijan University finished 2019

27 december 2019

Baxış sayı: 3356

An expanded meeting of the Academic Council was held at the Azerbaijan University. The meeting is dedicated to the outcomes of 2019 year and the challenges ahead.

Opening the meeting, Rector Saadat Aliyeva noted that the staff of the university has been productive and had a  success in 2019. The accomplishments included areas such as improving the quality of teaching, organizing academic activities, expanding international contacts, enhancing the scientific and pedagogical potential, recruiting staff into various trainings, increasing the quantity and quality of student admissions and so on. Referring to the important innovations of the academic year, the rector said that along with the strengths of the university, it also had imperfects, and futher stressed that measures will be taken to address shortcomings. Saadat Aliyeva also spoke on the upcoming tasks and congratulated the university staff on the occasion of  December 31– World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day and the New Year. Vice-Rector  for Science Professor Yusif Gasimov emphasized that all the successes of Azerbaijan University stand behind the high confidence of the university administration in its staff. 

Head of the Department of Science Latifa Agamaliyeva made a report on the activities of the University in 2019. The report includes the scientific potential of the university, the organization and conduct of scientific conferences, the activities of the scientific journal “Silk Way”, scientific activities, training and seminars, international scientific cooperation, published scientific works, the number of articles indexed on the Web of Science database.

Lala Dilanova, Head of the Public Relations Department gave the event participants a certificate for the scientific activities performed  in 2019. Reference Student Admission, Activities of the Entrance Counseling Center, University Student Support Projects, Innovations and Achievements, Participation in International Education Projects, Student-Teacher and Staff Exchange, Implementation of the Nasimi Year Celebrations, Participation in International Education Exhibition dates, jubilee events, participation in social projects, students’ activities, career development of students, personal development trainings and extracurricular activities.

At the meeting, it was noted that the Azerbaijan University has been ahead of 2018 with its activities and results in 2019, and has continued to work effectively to achieve the goals set by the University's strategic plan.

At the end of the reporting meeting, the management awards were presented to university employees who achieved high academic results and distinguished their academic achievements based on the results of 2019.

Public Relations Department