Presentation of Michelle Fuco`s book “Words and Illustrations” translated by Korkhmaz Guliyev was at Azerbaijan University

Presentation of Michelle Fuco's book “Words and Illustrations” translated by  Korkhmaz Guliyev was at Azerbaijan University

06 december 2019

Baxış sayı: 3323

Presentation of Michel Fuco's book “Words and Illustrations” was held, translated from the original version by Korkhmaz Guliyev, professor of the Azerbaijan University. The event, organized by the Department of Azerbaijani Language and Literature, was attended by guests and media representatives along with the faculty of the department.

At the event, the head of the department, Ulviyya Rahimova, gave information about the work on the publication of the book and thanked those who had made a contribution.

Professor Korkmaz Guliyev spoke on the idea and history of translating the book, including the reasons why he applied to Michel Fuco. Korkmaz Guliyev noted that Michel Fuco, who was a prominent figure in the history of humanitarian thought of the 20th and 21st centuries, is one of the thinkers who makes people think and remains a source of new ideas. The French philosopher is able to reveal the essence of man, having a virtual impact on the intellectual and emotional setting of the reader.

A critic, literary critic and translator Javanshir Yusifli said that the book is of great value to the literary and scientific community. Emphasizing the importance of readings in Azerbaijani language, which play a significant role in the formation of philological thinking, he noted that Fuco, above all, allows the philologist to learn the language of philology.

Badakhkhan Ahmadov noted that the books and work done by the department of Azerbaijani language and literature so far has made enables us to say that it is the Azerbaijan University that a new school of literary criticism is created in the country.

Professor Asif Hajiyev spoke about the shortcomings of the translation of classical works of world philosophical and philological thought into the Azerbaijani language. Asif Hajiyev said that the translation of these works from the original is very important, and thanked Gorkhmaz Guliyev for signing a major literary event.

Note that the launched book is the first meeting of te French philosopher with an Azerbaijani reader. Since its inception, the work "Words and Illustrations", which, even today  the controversy surrounding it has not gone away, has played an important role in the development of social and humanitarian thought of the 20th century.

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