Network Literature was discussed at Azerbaijan University

Network Literature was discussed at Azerbaijan University

30 november 2017

Baxış sayı: 4734

The impact of the internet on literature and network literature was discussed at Azerbaijan University. Sharif Agayar, the editor-in-chief of the site, Gismat Rustamov, editor-in-chief of website, Sakhavat Sahil,'s editor-in-chief, Shahla Aslan, editor-in-chief of, Javid Gadir Representative of the 525th newspaper and website, Aysu Kerimova representative of and the professor-teaching staff of the department participated at the round table organized by the Azerbaijani Language and Literature Department.

The interaction of the internet and literature was discussed in the theoretical discussion  around the round table, the participants exchanged views on the raised issues and their solutions.

The event was opened by associate professor Ulviyya Rahimova, the head of the Azerbaijani Language and Literature Department. The head of the department stated that the internet penetrating all the spheres of life left its marks on the literature as well. Internet appeared as a new technology has eliminated the distance between a writer and a reader. Mass character of literature has created some contradictory points and problems. The head of the department informed the participants that the mentioned problems will be discussed at the round table.

Gismet Rustamov, editor-in-chief of website, said that the transition from a author-centered world to a reader-centered world has occurred in the literature. The propaganda of books simplified, writers and books accessed easily, and bookstores became online. The new technology has also affected narrating forms. Duly, ideas about the Internet influences on literature are contradicted. With the advent of e-books traditional books are out-of-dated, serious literature are replaced, and all these led to the closure of large bookstores. The biggest problem comes up in the field of copyright. Rustamov forecasts that serious literature will remain in a classical way whereas popular literature will continue its existance on the network.

Sharif Agayar, editor-in-chief of, said that the reader had the opportunity to act as a writer through the influence of the internet. The reader already has a “pencil” and a "tribune." The editor-in-chief emphasizing that literary product rarely create a mass reaction to the forefront, and has highlighted the problem of attracting reader traffic on the site and explained how they solve this problem at site. In his speech, Sharif Aghayar also responded to the criticism of increasing number of serious articles that arose on the Internet.

Sakhavat Sahil, editor-in-chief of He emphasized that the content of the site is mainly based on serious texts. Sakhavat Sahil stood on the difficulty of adapting the critics to the virtual space.

Shahla Aslan, the editor-in-chief of, informed that mainly writings of young talents and translations posted on the site. Shahla Aslan put forward the language and style defects that they encountered in the writings.

Cavid Gadir, representative of the 525th newspaper and website touched upon the problems of translation literature and emphasized the importance of citation culture.

Aysu Kerimova, a representative of, said that the literature on the internet was calculated for the audience and the tasteful reader would find good books to read from the book or in the internet. Therefore, the formation of a reader's taste should be prerequisite.

Asif Hajiyev, professor of the Azerbaijan Language and Literature Department, touched on creativity issues of network literature, and problems related to copyright issues and said that there should be a difference between the literature appearing on the internet and the placement of printed literature there. Asif Hajiyev compared networking experience which is in the process of formation in Azerbaijan with both Russian and European experience.

In the event it was noted that virtualization is a demand of the modern times and books will never lose their importance in human life even if the form is changed.

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